
My day

8am – My day starts

As a teacher I come into school around 8am. I check whether yesterday's plan for the day is still relevant, make any needed changes, prepare lessons and do some paperwork. Talking to people, messaging and emailing continues throughout the day. This is to make sure everyone – myself included – has the most up to date and relevant information.

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9am – Class assembly

The pupils and class assistants come to class. Once everyone is present we light a candle and have two minutes quiet time. This time gives me and my team a chance to quietly gauge the mood and wellbeing of the pupils. We then have the roll call where I throw a ball to each member of the class, including class assistants, asking whether they're present. Next comes the sharing of news. News ranges from ‘I have a sore toe’, to ‘I watched a video’, to ‘can I see the dogs today?’, to sharing a range of short videos. It's one of my favourite parts of the day, it’s the time we are most likely to be all together, and it's always interesting and sometimes entertaining! To finish off class assembly we look at the pictorial timetable on the blackboard.

9:30am – PE

We have PE For 30 minutes. We try out cycling, basketball, badminton, walking and dog walking, depending on the abilities and needs of the pupils. The focus is to get some physical exercise and some enjoyable time being active.

10am – Literacy and numeracy

During this time each student will work on a relevant level of literacy and numeracy. Some will recognise numbers and pictures or words cards, while others use a tablet to do maths exercises on an app.

10:30am – Reflection time

The class comes together to reflect on how the lesson went.

10:40am – Break time

The students take a break relevant to their needs and wishes – maybe playground time or have a drink and snacks. Some pupils, key workers and teachers join ‘Teacher's break’ in Belvidere House.

11am – Class prep

Back to class to prepare the next lesson.

11:15am – Topic lesson/Singing and music/Horse riding

Topic lesson – each term the whole school engages in leaning and activities relating to one topic such as: water, fair trade, energy, rights and equality, sex education, sport, inventions. Many of the topics are related to topics we need to cover as an Eco or Fairtrade School.

Singing and music – once a week I have an open singing and music session in my class, where individual pupils or whole groups come to join. They’re always enjoyable and entertaining.

Horse riding – once a week I take some students riding at Gleneagles Equestrian Centre, a class organised by the RDA.

12:30pm – Reflection time

The class comes together to reflect on how the lesson went

12:40-14:30pm – Lunch break

Lunch break – I have a 30 minute break, eat my lunch in the school kitchen with other teachers and leaders within the school. Then I go back to paperwork, phone calls, lesson preparation and planning. This is the time we hold meetings, including the young people’s six monthly reviews.

14:30pm – A daily varied lesson

Possibly the most varied lesson of the day. It might be weekly report writing with the students, folk dancing or recycling. On Fridays we hold a service in the Hall.

15:30-17:30pm – School planning and prep

Back to paperwork, phone calls, lesson preparation, meetings and planning.